Well, no I haven't just discovered NON FICTION. I have been reading NON fiction for MANY MANY years.
What this post title means is that I just discovered the NON FICTION Reading Challenge that will take 5 years to complete.
The rules of this challenge are as follows
- Choose 50+ non-fiction books; the number is up to you. Choose 50, 75, 100, 200. It's entirely your choice
- Books must be non-fiction--biography, autobiography, history, memoir, cooking, travel, science, etc.
- List them at your blog (or on Goodreads or another social media site, if you do not have a blog)
- Choose your completion goal date five years in the future and make note of it with your list of titles (like this: reading goal--50 books goal dates--March 20, 2012 - March 20, 2017)
- Write a review (or a short summary) on the book when finished and link it to the title in your list (or link to your review on Goodreads, again, if you don't have a blog)
- When you have completed the challenge, come add your link to the Completed Challenges page
- There will be a blog roll in the sidebar where I will list you/your blog linked to your lists
- This challenge can be crossed over with any other challenges
So now I have to make up a list of 50 NON FICTION books and read them over the next 5 years. Whether or not I will expand that list to 100, I don't know yet.
Since this is December. I am going to officially start this challenge in January 2016 and have it run for 5 years from Jan 2016 to Dec 2020. Wow that will cover the whole 4 years that my son will be in high school. Right now he is in grade 8.
I will also remove the non fiction books I have on my Classics Club list and move them to THIS challenge.
I have SO MANY Biographies on my TBR pile that I have not read. Am adding them to this challenge as well. That's why I love these kinds of challenges. I am strongly encouraged to read those books that I have purchased and then NOT read!!! LOL
James Michener - The World is my Home
Louis L'Amour - Education of a Wandering Man
Charlton Heston - Beijing Diary
Veronica Buckley - Christine of Sweden
Benazir Butto - Daughter of Destiny
A J Jacobs - My Life as an Experiment
Tom Interval - Harry Houdini
Benjamin Franklin - My Autobiography
Justin Trudeau - Common Ground
John Van Der Kiste - Princess Victoria Melita
Charles Chaplin - My Autobiography
Social Justice and Social Sciences
Wendy Smith - Give a Little
Lesley Adkins - Empire of the Plains (Discovery of Babylon)
Roy Chapman Andrews - Across Mongolian Plains
Bob Johnson - An Answer to Mere Christianity
Hannalore Brenner - The Girls from Room 28 (Theresienstadt - Holocaust)
Pierre Berton - The Invasion of Canada (1812 war)
Martyn Downs - Nelsons Purse
Laura Berton - I Married the Klondike
Anna Comnenos - The Alexiad
Lita-Rose Betcherman - Court Lady and Country Wife (Lucy and Dorothy Percy)
Carola Hicks - Improper Pursuits (the first Lady Diana Spencer)
Alice Hoggs - Gods Secret Agents (Queen Elizabeth's Forbidden Priests and the Gunpowder Plot)
Lisa Jardine - On a Grander Scale (Christopher Wren)
Samuel Pepys - Diary
Diana and Michael Preston - A Pirate of Exquisite Mind (William Dampier)
Lisa Jardine - The Curious Life of Robert Hooke
Nancy Goldstone - The Maid and the Queen (Joan of Arc)
Nancy Goldstone - Four Queens (Sisters of Provence)
Helen Keller - The Story of my Life
Frances Hunter - The Fairest Portion of the Globe (Lewis and Clark)
Countess of Caernavon - Lady Almina and the REAL Downton Abbey
Arthur Herman - How the Scots invented the Modern World
Sally O'Reilly - Shakespeare's Dark Lady (Amelia Bassano)
Ian Wilson - Shakespeare the Evidence
Mark Anderson - Shakespeare by Another Name
Lucien X. Polastron - Books on Fire
Nicholas Basbanes - Patience and Fortitude
Rodney Bolt - History Play (Kit Marlowe - Shakespeare)
Carl Sagan - Cosmos
Rachel Carson - Silent Spring
Simon Winchester - The Map that Changed the World
Charles Nicholl - Flights of the Mind (Leonardo Da Vinci)
James A. Connor - Keplers wife (Early History of Astronomy)
Jonathan Lyons - The House of Wisdom (How the Arabs transformed Western Civilization)
Benjamin Woolley - Heal Thyself (Nicholas Culpeper)
James Burke - American Connections
Mario Livio - The Golden Ratio
Christopher Bryson - The Fluoride Deception
Jim Al-Khalili - Pathfinders (Golden Age of Islam)
50 Books exactly - for now. I may add to them, or I may not.
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